
Operational Streamlining for Enhanced Performance

$ 0 M
Cost Savings Per Annum


The company has significant operations in India, focused on clinical quality solutions.

Corporate leadership had a lack of clarity on the specific activities and supplementary staffing levels in the company, split across both US and India resources.

The company’s leadership’s premise was that operations were overstaffed and structured sub-optimally to service clients.  Further, there was no clear strategy on how Indian operations could be set up to support more areas of the broader part of the company. 


Synergetics completed a detailed value stream assessment on the company’s operations to determine the value of work completed, relative staffing levels and an assessment of tools utilized. Implementations included:

  • Redesigned Team Structure: Based on client feedback and internal assessments, the workload was rebalanced to ensure the appropriate resources were assigned correctly

  • Initiated Operational Improvements: >20 improvements were identified and implemented to streamline processing times and reduce waste 

  • Automated Workflows:  Automated several high-volume workflows within ticketing system and testing environments to further streamline processing times and touches 

  • Enabled Data-Driven Management:  Aligned with Business Intelligence team to develop reporting with insights into team’s performance. Ensure appropriate SLA adherence to obtaining the best-in-class training

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